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Butt Enhancements

We offer 2 options for butt enhancements.
We have ESculpt to build muscle and reduce fat or Vacuum Butt Therapy for building the butt and stimulating into the tissue.

Butt Enhancements: Treatments

Vacuum Butt Therapy

Vacuum-therapy stimulates muscles and breaks down cellulite and fatty deposits, which eliminates toxins, therefore improving lymphatic drainage. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the skin’s natural elasticity to smooth the appearance of “orange-peel” dimpling in the thighs and buttocks.

This is painless, safe and highly effective. Vacuum-therapy stimulates the blood and improves lymphatic drainage, and increases collagen elastin.

Treatment can be done twice a week.

  • Raises, Enlarges and Reaffirms the Gluteus and Without Surgeries

  • Increases the Skin Flexibility

  • Releases the Venous and Lymphatic Flow

  • Exfoliates the Epidermis Making Skin Softer

  • Stimulates Dermis and Hypodermis

  • Decreases Muscle Tension



Our most popular request. We can place cups to give you volume, volume and hips, or any shape you are really wanting!

Hip Dips

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We carefully measure your hip dip and then we place the cups according to what your needs are and goodbye hip dips!!


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By placing the cups at the top of the buttocks, we can help lift and build the booty up. We also do a prelift treatment to the thighs and booty to tighten and lift the skin. While we reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Butt Enhancements: Treatments


Does it hurt?

It should never hurt! There is a small red ring that goes away in about 5-10 minutes. You do get like a after massage light head and happy feeling. Just a bonus!

How often can you do it?

You can do it daily as long as its not uncomfortable after a few times.
You can even do it up to 3 sessions in one day if you have a goal to hit for a big day or vacation.

Does it last?

YES! With that being said, age and skin condition make a difference on how long. We do suggest coming in for maintence once every 8 weeks to refresh it.

How many sessions do I need and price?

We recommend every one start with a package of 4. The reason is 1-3 treatments are just the foundation for longer lasting results later! You can't build a house without a good foundation!
$150 a treatment or 4/$550

Butt Enhancements: FAQ
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